Commercial grade retail and restaurant Cash Registers from SAM4s
After you look into this brand you will quickly see why they are so popular. Here at EZPOSNOW we have been in the cash register business for fifty years now. Yep, that's right, our founder started back in the day repairing and reselling mechanical cash registers from NCR. Over the years we have sold all the popular commercial grade cash registers from Sharp, Casio, TEC, Sanyo, Sweda and others. Today the market is really come down to one great company making cash registers for the North American market and that is SAM4s. We have been selling and supporting SAM4s all over the USA, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean for twenty years now and the future looks bright.
SAM4s has a great collection of very simple cash register up to very feature rich POS systems. The chances are we have a solution for what you are looking for, and if we don't we will tell you the truth and recommend a different point of sale system. The first step to selecting the right system is to contact us by phone, email, or chat. We know all the right questions to help you select the system that will best suit your needs. If you find the right cash register or POS system we then can help you implement it if you want. We have over twenty years experience deploying systems all over the world and we feel confident we can help you too.
Let's talk about credit card payment gateways and pin pads for the SAM4s cash registers and POS systems.
We are experts at integrating your SAM4s cash register or POS system with credit card payments using the Datacap gateway, either the Datacap Tran, NETepay, NETePay Hosted and Datacap Direct. We have been integrating direct credit card payments to cash registers for well over twenty years now and counting. We started back in the direct swipe days and now up to the best practice of semi integrated pin pads that are part of the PCI security protocols. Integrating payments directly with your register is better for your business, your customers, and security in so many ways. We are happy to discuss with you why you should integrate. There are also a couple huge advantages to working with us and those reasons are the SAM4s products are credit card agnostic and you won't be forced to work with a single processor like other systems require. As a matter of fact we welcome inquires from ISO's, Agents and Banks that are looking to help their customers integrate a SAM4s system with payments.
We also are experts at supporting older SAM4s systems as well
Just give us a call and we can tell you if we support your model. Because we have been selling and supporting these registers for over twenty years we can still support models like the ER-650, SPS-520, SPS-530, SPS-2000, ER-5200M, ER-5215M and many more. Just give us a call at 800-863-2274 or email or chat.